‘Quality though practice’

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Code GLTCC - Team Geo - a Great Team !

Code ‘GLTCC’ Team Geo - we call ourselves, we are young vibrant team @ Testree.

Our Core Team was Ayyappa, Murali, Gayathri, Guru, Sakthi, Shoba, and Yathish

As an Agile Team we always welcome changes and now the team is restructured and changed with …..Riz and many …

Testree - ‘Quality though practice’

Our Goal, Vision and Mission are one and the same.

Testree – One stop confluence to Testing service thought out the Globe across any domain. We assist your organize release quality solution.

We are

Culturally – wide apart


Linguistically - Greek and Latin

Personally – we are almost at the extreme ends

Our Thought – are like the seasons ‘not b’coz of the seasonal change but there extreme difference’

One loves non-veg … one is pure veggieone hate beer …. One lives on beer … one love to.. … ..Love, Hate, Likes and Dislikes all in one box . But we all share, eat and enjoy working together.

So do we all stay as ‘a Team – a Great Team’ is a great question ?

But all of us hate a few common things

We hate sluggish people
We hate people who often complain
We hate the phrase ‘Cannot do’, ‘I don’t Know’, ‘Not my work’, ‘’ …..

Mostly we hate Exams all the time – All time Exam Hater Club members

Do you still believe we are a Team a great team !

Believe or not we are a Team a Great team

Since none of the above mentioned barrier is in our Goal, Vision or Mission, they are just few unwanted thing to keep us different and share new happening daily in the lunch room, to taste different coffee in the café and have fun

Hey I hope all are restless to know what we do, we want to do and what can we do

We are a New Breed of Testers, yes Agile Testers ‘Though self proclaimed’

We are doing testing & research in the e-learning domain

Due to company policies we have not discussed anything about the project

Guru – Research & Innovation specialist
Murali – Process Management specialist
SakthiTech Greek & Automation specialist
Raghu – Young so teach him all, so he can take to the next generation of Testree
Yathish – Communication expert

And list keeps adding

We started with only as 3rd party test support provider

Now are grown to provide test consulting

We are striving toward providing complete end to end Testing solution in E-Learning

Ayyappa – good leader, like mutton sheek and peas fried rich, ... [] , hey he is Project manager. You can find him definetly not in his desk but among us most of the time

Murali – likes all non veg , beer no no , likes fish [] most of the time he is with his excel sheet

Guruhe loves ‘BEYOND’ [] most of the time he is with his Thinking on Geo

Sakthi – little shy, but a definite spring in the technology box [] mostly with Selenium

Raghu – we call him the kid ‘though he is not’ [] mostly with bugzilla

RizLike non veg , pizza but miss his home made Briyani That can only be replaced by his home made one [] definitely we have atleast one meeting every 8hrs

Yathish – Likes curd rice, and we call him a ‘Master pieces in Management' []

Ah I really forgot Krish Our VP, we all like him because he believes our Team. I really don’t know what he likes. One think I am pretty sure, He is the Simplest guy I have every seen

Still some are in the queue to come up.

Guys any day when you come across this just laugh nothing else ok ;-)

Get back and keep going with all the applause and appreciation mails.

One among you – Come let’s make our Team Heaven in disguise @ Testree

Team Geo ( Genius Ordinarily

Monday, March 17, 2008

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration - a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently; usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible. Many teams find that this approach leads to significantly reduced integration problems and allows a team to develop cohesive software more rapidly.


Reference – http://www.martinfowler.com/articles/continuousIntegration.html

Reference 2 - http://www.martinfowler.com/articles/originalContinuousIntegration.html



CI Servers – There are about 12 CI Server available in the market both commercial and open source. Mainly used to automate the process of building software


Reference – http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j- ap09056/index.html



Cruise Control – There are two versions CC Enterprise (commercial) and CC Core (open source)


Reference - http://studios.thoughtworks.com/cruisecontrol/why-cruisecontrol



What is Continuous Integration and what Curise Control Does ?


Continuous integration (CI) is a practice that enables teams to receive feedback and make improvements on a continual basis rather than waiting until later in the development cycle to find and fix defects. Tools (like CruiseControl) run in the background polling a version control repository looking for changes. When a change does occur, the tool executes a predefined build script through Ant, for example. Continuous Inspection is facilitated by the practice of continuous integration


The open source of CC can be downloaded free @ http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=23523&package_id=16338&release_id=518602



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